The L-12 Bulk & Security Carts are one the most traditional, yet versatile of the bulk carts that Leebaw manufactures. Our L-12 bulk storage carts are an excellent way to organize, store & make the most of your floor space. Partitions enable you to have more than one type of product stored. They can also be designed in various dimensions, colors & with or without casters. Even the floors in these units can be made out of wood, 3 x 3 mesh or solid metal, depending on the work environment. Like all of our products, they can be tailored to your needs.
These carts can be configured with horizontal fold down doors on one or both sides or vertical doors, if complete front access is needed. Continuous bumpers are also available if you are transporting into client environments & want to protect the walls & trim. When floor space is a premium, the bulk carts can be manufactured with fork lift guides for stacking.
We want to show you just some of the options!
L-12 with & without Sling Pegs
This cart is used between plants and depots for bulk goods and fits under the hanging items in the truck. Each unit comes with a horizontal door on one side and has a wood floor.

SPL-12 with 2 Partitions
Making 3 Sections

SPL-12-4S with Slanted Floor

SPL-12-4S with Vertical Doors

L-12 “Chop Top Cart”
This cart is used between plants and depots for bulk goods and fits under the hanging items in the truck. Each unit comes with a horizontal door on one side and has a wood floor.

L-12 Stackable - With Fork Lift Guides
The overall height of 2 stacked with 5” casters is 93 ¼”